Monday, December 26, 2011

Do Unto Others

This is Pete - a good friend's dog.  I realize that "doing unto others" can include acts of kindness toward our pets.
There is an amazing power that comes by giving to others that many of us are not even aware of.  I recently learned that by performing acts of kindness and by “doing unto others”, a primitive part of our brains actually “light up” allowing us to feel more joy, to create better health and to actually live longer.  I learned that even contemplating doing something good or kind for someone stimulates the brain to shift away from anxiety or despair, moving us toward inner tranquility, joy and contentment.

Activating this part of the brain is easy – all we have to do is begin to give of ourselves by volunteering a few hours a week, performing “random acts of kindness”, “paying it forward” or engaging in any helping or kind behavior especially without expecting anything in return.  As we “do unto others” with kindness, love and charity, in the end we create our own path for living a longer, healthier and more hope-filled life.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life Is About the Process

This is a photo of shoes that were being hand made. 
When I decided over a week ago to organize my bedroom closet and shoes, I ended up taking a very circuitous route.  I don’t know why but I first cleaned out some boxes in the basement.  Somehow, it felt like the first best thing to do.  I discovered items I no longer wanted, so I took them to a non-profit - I had checked out their website Wish List earlier that day.  It felt good to do this.

Next, I sorted through and boxed some things from another closet - I'm thinking about having a spring yard sale.  I noticed again that doing this had nothing to do with my original goal but again it felt right.   Next, I checked out a pre-holiday appliance sale ad for a new refrigerator.  I shopped and bought.  It wasn't as impulsive as it sounds - I've been contemplating doing this for two years.  Things sometimes move slowly.

Finally, I got to my bedroom closet and as I was sorting shoes, I realized that getting here had been quite an interesting process and that no matter how many times I got “sidetracked”; it was simply my process of creating forward movement toward this goal.  I have suddenly become very aware that all of my day-to-day, minute-to-minute experiences are generally about process.  As I begin to appreciate this, more and more, the outcome almost doesn't matter - what's important is the process.  Process isn’t about doing it right or wrong, or about how long it takes, or where exactly it leads to and it certainly never, ever has to make sense to anyone else!  Our process is simply our process and ours alone and it is meant to be experienced and enjoyed.

Today, I am appreciating my process, even when it doesn't make sense.  I am always amazed at where it takes me.