I did this painting a few months ago and it reminds me of a misty day. |
I bring this up because as I was walking, I was aware that I was breaking a recent pattern of behavior. Today for some unexplained reason, I embraced the rain and realized that as I was getting a bit wet, I was also feeling very happy. Things started to look different and better in the rain - I was seeing things with what in mindfulness is called “beginners mind” - seeing things as if for the first time.
Happiness researchers are finding that one really important key to attaining greater happiness and life satisfaction is by doing things that actually feel uncomfortable and/or are risky. Getting out of our comfort zones and taking a risk seems to be the great paradox to experiencing happiness.
On the flip side of the coin, its equally important to do what you know makes you feel good, like playing your favorite CD or visiting the farmer's market to buy your weeks supply of fresh organic produce . However, from time to time it’s worth doing something that is truly novel, different, difficult, uncertain or even anxiety producing in order to experience more enjoyment and satisfaction in life. Those who report being the happiest do both and enjoy the rewarding benefits of each.