As an artist and painter, how I create and move from inspiration to a completed painting continues to remain a mystery to me. In searching for the right words to describe the creative process, I love what Meister Eckhart says, "when the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."
One of my acrylic paintings on canvas. It looks like things are fluttering in the wind or across a pond. I feel free and happy when I look at this painting. The colors make my heart sing. |
Joseph Campbell writes about the artist in terms of a spiritual journey: "The real artist is the one who has learned to recognize and to render what James Joyce has called the radiance of all things, as an epiphany or showing forth of their truth...It's important to live life with the experience, and therefore the knowledge, of life's mystery and your own mystery. This gives life a new radiance, a new harmony and a new splendor..."
To me, it is pure joy to creatively express. There is nothing like it. I ask people to experience this for themselves and to make art without being concerned about how it will turn out…whether it is a painting, a drawing or a piece of pottery. Just put your brush to canvas and move your arm and the rest will happen. When I stand in my studio before a blank canvas and do just that I begin to enter a very still and sacred space that some call God. I remain in awe.